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 OWAY Head Spa  120 mins | $ 180  A curated head spa program for hair loss, fatigues, or sensitive scalp concerns.  This aromatherapeutic treatment regenerates the mind and revitalizes the scalp and hair, inclusive of OWAY Herbs & Clay Peeling Cleanser, and complemented with the anti-aging Flowerfall ritual to deeply relax your mind and body. scalp concerns targeted treatment: Ultra-delicate soothing treatment (for red and sensitive skin) Provide immediate relief to the scalp with the delicate curated treatment steps whilst improves scalp natural defenses against external stimulants.  Purifying and regulating treatment (for oily/dry dandruff scaling) A purifying method that combines the purifying power with delicate exfoliation to regulate scalp peeling and prevents dandruff from reappearance over time. *Indicated both in cases of dry or oily dandruff.  Detoxifying and restorative treatment (for oily scalp) Provide immediate freshness with antiseptic effect, designed to regulate scalp sebum excretion, leaving scalp fresh and perfectly purified.

 Herbs & Clay peeling cleanser 

  peeling + detox cleaning in a single, revolutionary  


Stress, aggressive treatments and an intense daily life
put the balance of your body to the test, and that inclu- des your scalp and hair
Herbs and Clay Peeling Cleanser, a regenarating experience that frees you from stress and toxins, restoring vitality to your hair and scalp while also preventing imbalances and problems. 
Clients who have sensitive, oily or scalp with dandruff. Strengthening the scalp while clearing all problems mentioned above. 
Every 28 days, the scalp cycle restarts. Improve your scalp monthly with this detox and peeling cleanser.
scalp concerns targeted treatment: Ultra-delicate soothing treatment (for red and sensitive skin) Provide immediate relief to the scalp with the delicate curated treatment steps whilst improves scalp natural defenses against external stimulants.  Purifying and regulating treatment (for oily/dry dandruff scaling) A purifying method that combines the purifying power with delicate exfoliation to regulate scalp peeling and prevents dandruff from reappearance over time. *Indicated both in cases of dry or oily dandruff.  Detoxifying and restorative treatment (for oily scalp) Provide immediate freshness with antiseptic effect, designed to regulate scalp sebum excretion, leaving scalp fresh and perfectly purified.
scalp concerns targeted treatment: Ultra-delicate soothing treatment (for red and sensitive skin) Provide immediate relief to the scalp with the delicate curated treatment steps whilst improves scalp natural defenses against external stimulants.  Purifying and regulating treatment (for oily/dry dandruff scaling) A purifying method that combines the purifying power with delicate exfoliation to regulate scalp peeling and prevents dandruff from reappearance over time. *Indicated both in cases of dry or oily dandruff.  Detoxifying and restorative treatment (for oily scalp) Provide immediate freshness with antiseptic effect, designed to regulate scalp sebum excretion, leaving scalp fresh and perfectly purified.
Every product and steps become an essential part of your beauty routine hence we’ve been curating the ultimate relaxation experience for our guests with the greenfully-designed biodynamic hair care – OWAY.  OWAY utilized the organic and biodynamic ingredients harvested and produced at Ortofficina, a farm estate in the Hills of Bologna with its biodynamic method where the medicinal herbs are distilled at zero-mile, transforming them into organic way ingredients.  WHAT IS BIODYNAMICS?  The biodynamic method is the purest and cleanest type of cultivation.  It is free of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and synthetic fertilizers used in conventional agriculture. 頭皮や髪のお悩みをカウンセリングします。 3種類のハーブの粉とクリームを混ぜて頭皮に直接塗布します。 細菌などによる頭皮の代謝に異常が生じたフケの治療 ホルモンなどの体内のバランスが崩れることによって引き起こされる花序ぷな皮脂分泌や脂漏症の緩和 様々な内的、外的要因のに影響を受けて、赤み、炎症を起こした敏感肌に対する治療 ハーブは3種類 ピュアバイオダイナミック タイム・・・抗菌、殺菌、抗ウイルス、防腐、去痰、利尿、強壮、鎮痙、疲労回復 ピュアバイオダイナミック セージ・・・抗菌、抗ウイルス、防腐、収れん、制汗、内分泌調整 ピュアバイオダイナミック ヘリクリサム・・・抗アレルギー、抗炎症、鎮静、抗ウイルス、細胞成長促進、老化防止


scalp concerns targeted treatment: Ultra-delicate soothing treatment (for red and sensitive skin) Provide immediate relief to the scalp with the delicate curated treatment steps whilst improves scalp natural defenses against external stimulants.  Purifying and regulating treatment (for oily/dry dandruff scaling) A purifying method that combines the purifying power with delicate exfoliation to regulate scalp peeling and prevents dandruff from reappearance over time. *Indicated both in cases of dry or oily dandruff.  Detoxifying and restorative treatment (for oily scalp) Provide immediate freshness with antiseptic effect, designed to regulate scalp sebum excretion, leaving scalp fresh and perfectly purified.
Every product and steps become an essential part of your beauty routine hence we’ve been curating the ultimate relaxation experience for our guests with the greenfully-designed biodynamic hair care – OWAY.  OWAY utilized the organic and biodynamic ingredients harvested and produced at Ortofficina, a farm estate in the Hills of Bologna with its biodynamic method where the medicinal herbs are distilled at zero-mile, transforming them into organic way ingredients.  WHAT IS BIODYNAMICS?  The biodynamic method is the purest and cleanest type of cultivation.  It is free of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and synthetic fertilizers used in conventional agriculture.
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